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Yoon's Diplomacy with Kishida and Biden(5.끝)


Dr. Joseph H. Chung (정희수), Professor of Economics in Montreal (UQAM)


(지난 호에 이어)

 Koreans in the North and the South think that the unification of Koreas is difficult to realize due to the objection by the PJT, who were supposed to be punished after the Pacific War, but they were not punished due to the American military government in Korea (1945-1948).


If Koreas are unified, the PJT led by Yoon will be first target of punishment. This is why Yoon is afraid of North Korea. This is why he asks the protection by Japan and the U.S. by joining the JKUS.


In order to protect himself and his government, Yoon even thought of developing nuclear arms in South Korea, but South Korea has signed the NPT. Since South Korea cannot develop its own nuclear arms, Yoon asked strengthened American nuclear umbrella.


Biden offered two things: the deployment of strategic assets to the Korean peninsula such as nuclear submarines in case of North Korean nuclear attack and the creation of the Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG).


The NCG means that Seoul may be consulted for Washington's nuclear programs. Korea being only a mere consultant will have no significant input to Washington's nuclear war plan.


The deployment of the strategic assets will be done, if and when North Korea attacks South Korea with nuclear weapons. But, this has no practical value, because North Korea will not attack South Korea with nuclear weapons, unless provoked. Besides, if North Korea attacks, the half of South Korea will be destroyed before the arrival of the strategic assets.


Therefore, the best way of protecting Yoon's government is to co-exist with North Korea through the peace process.


Indeed, in the Washington Declaration, Yoon and Biden point out the importance of the peace process, although they continued their demonization of North Korea. Every knows that what Yoon and Biden want is the regime change of North Korea.


To sum up, Yoon's diplomacy with Kishida and Biden has ended up by giving everything and getting nothing. Yoon has given absolution to Japan for its crimes against Korea. Yoon did even worse. He admitted that Koreans are inferior to the Japanese so that Japan's re-colonization of Korea is justified.


Yoon made Korean diplomacy dependent on Washington and accepted to become eventual proxy worrier for the power and the glory of Uncle Sam.


Yoon's diplomacy has accelerated the destruction of the Korea economy by inviting angry reaction of China and Russia on the on hand and, on the other, by inducing foreign investments to leave  Korea due to the uncertainty and the instability of investment market created by Yoon's dismal diplomacy.


Moreover, Yoon's diplomacy has made the security of ROK more vulnerable and the integration of ROK's into the Eurasian economy has become more difficult.



4. The Impact of Yoon's Diplomacy


Yoon and his misguided advisors may think that the reward for Yoon's diplomacy is the Japan-Korea-US (JKUS) military alliance.


Is the JKUS really a reward? If it is, whose reward is it? Surely, it is

a big gains for the U.S. because it can send the mighty Korean army to the Sino-China war.


It is strategic reward for Kishida, because the JKUS allows the Japanese army to land on the Korean peninsula and even contemplate the re-colonization of Korea with the help of pro-Japan Koreans.


Now as for Korea, the JKUS is not a reward, on the contrary, it is a curse. It can induce Washington to launch shooting Sino-American war with proxy soldiers from Japan and Korea.


The Korean War 2.0 and the Sino-American war lead inevitably to the third world war and utter destruction of Korea. Yoon's pathologic diplomacy can even lead to the end of the world. Therefore, he must be removed from his presidential office and his irresponsible advisors should be severely punished.


Fortunately, the candle-light demonstration is getting strength and it is hoped that Yoon and his government will be taken down soon. (끝)





<저작권자(c) 부동산캐나다 한인뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지 >

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