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실로암한의원 Jacob's Herb
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주 소 8787 Woodbine Ave. Suite 115-116 Markham, ON M3J 3H9 CA
담당자Jacob kim
전 화647-550-2936
수정일: 2017-08-17,  등록일: 2017-08-17
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난치성 피부질환치료,비염치료, 만성피로,불면증,건선,역류성 식도염,우울증


Health is more than just the absence of disease, and Chinese Medicine recognises this with its unique capacity to harmonise and enhance our capacity for enjoyment fulfillment and happiness.


 Herbal Medicine (CHM) is an ancient system of health care that has undergone continual development over the centuries as the causes of illness that afflict mankind have evolved. In its country of origin it is not an alternative form of therapy, but is used in the state hospitals alongside modern medicine.


Medicine is a complete medical system that is capable of treating disease in all its forms. Although your practitioner will treat whatever complaint you have come for, the traditional view places great importance on preventing disease before it occurs.


 Medicine consists of:

- herbal therapy
- acupuncture
- dietary therapy
- exercise
- lifestyle management.


AC99 Health Centres





Health is more than just the absence of disease, and Chinese Medicine recognises this with its unique capacity


Acupuncture and Arthritis


Acupuncture has been widely used in managing osteoarthritis symptoms.  Many reviews articles made favorable conclusions to the benefits of acupuncture, even though results of the published clinic trials were not consistent.


In this most recent article, the authors identified randomized controlled trials (up to May 2014) from over the world. They included 12 trials (1763 participants) comparing acupuncture to sham acupuncture, no treatment or usual care.


They adjudicated most trials to be unclear (64%) or high (9%) risk of bias. Acupuncture use was associated with significant reductions in pain intensity (MD -0.29, 95% CI -0.55 to -0.02, I2 0%, 10 trials, 1699 participants), functional mobility (standardized MD -0.34, 95% CI -0.55 to -0.14, I2 70%, 9 trials, 1543 participants), health-related quality of life (standardized MD -0.36, 95% CI -0.58 to -0.14, I2 50%, 3 trials, 958 participants). Subgroup analysis of pain intensity by intervention duration suggested greater pain intensity reduction with intervention periods greater than 4 weeks (MD -0.38, 95% CI -0.69 to -0.06, I2 0%, 6 trials, 1239 participants).


The authors concluded that “the use of acupuncture is associated with significant reductions in pain intensity, improvement in functional mobility and quality of life. While the differences are not as great as shown by other reviews, current evidence supports the use of acupuncture as an alternative for traditional analgesics in patients with osteoarthritis.”


Mount Sinai Hospital - Toronto

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